This is the part of me....

Welcome to my blog.... This is where I share to you of what I think, what I feel, what I dream and what I want you to know about me....

Tuesday 20 May 2014

pa nama kitak ya?

kenak kah sentiasa rasa macam tok... rasa ditinggal oleh laki jak tok haha

sine tuju kawan-kawan kamek nok laki ya? busy ngan gf..

ada yang single sik mok di ajak keluar... apa nya ingat kamek mok ngancin nya? sik pernah terniat lam hati kamek ingat sidak lebih dari seorang kawan. 

ya kamek sik suka 'diam' rah social media. chat2 tapi ujungnya sikda tuju...
ya lah kamek alu nak ngajak orang keluar terus... nakpa jak berklaka lam fon fb twitter ya.. wechat whatsapp apa segala benda ya...

c'mon real life bahhh.... build a new relationship and make friends but not make out hahaha

p/s: hey, kamek sik kenja ngan kitak mun kitak sik single haha #Kbye

Wednesday 12 March 2014

feeling lonely~

at some points we feel like that we lose someone, but the fact is your're not missing someone or anything~

and now i feel i am not me. i would like to spend the rest of my day with someone.
someone to talk to, to tease, to care and etc.

the feeling you cannot avoid...

and it is always there... :'(

i want to cry...
but i am strong enough to hold the tears...
i am sad.... sad of everything..
i have no idea... and what to do...
not sure whether what i am doing now is what i want??
i was left penniless
no motivation....
hope a better life in the future...

Monday 10 February 2014

this 13/14 season, i will suffer more than other season

this 13/14 season, i will suffer more than other season... why? do i have a specific reason for that? i have tonnes of it.. hell!

i keep the feeling... no one to share with... that is why everything is seems so wrong...

i care about the club. why it have to be sweet 20 for me.. as MU reached their 20 championship on my 20th birthday...
26 years of Ferguson legacy in the club... i just realize i am too young and 26 years is too old for him...

i should accept the facts:
1. No U-turn for Sir Alex Ferguson
2. More senior players will going out
3. It is D. Moyes, the successor
4. We signed a good player but do not play him for 90        mins
5. We used to win more than lose
6. We have to play Moyes's style

i am sick. i am stress. sometimes i feel this is not my club but, it is my club. the way they play is not the same, no more the same. Moyes confess they(the lads) are very good in training. the fact is in the game, the game, the game, why you all did not perform the entertaining game? i should support the club whenever they are winning, losing or drawn. true fans will not talk shit about their club. they will not mock the manager. if they say Moyes is destroying the club, what choice do we have actually? mandate from Sir is '...stand by your new manager...'

as the fans, as the Man United player, it doesn't matter if we lose, never turn your head down. but, keep your head held high. 

we sure we don't want he looks with this disappoint face~
i am sure, Moyes needs more than 1 season to improve he is the right manager for the club.
i still have my patience over Moyes.

i was born to be UNITED.... 


Thursday 31 October 2013


yesterday and the day before yesterday there were many things i want to say to confess to let go, but now i got the opportunity to say anything, i forgot what i want to say and what to write..

it's actually about football. my team, my club, manchester united. 
every time i see the picture(s).. i am very excited to go to old trafford.
that is in my wish list..

my priority now is to finish my bachelor in degree of civil engineering. my result is not what i expected. i am down with my performance, it's like losing the biggest championship ever. i pray to God ask Him about everything. i want to find myself, i want to find what i want in this life. suddenly become a footballer crossing to my mind. but i will never be a footballer, 'cause i am studying engineering. hahaha

why and what??? i have too many questions playing in my mind since i was involved in football world. i want to play football, but never get that opportunity and to be honest, i know how to kick the ball, catch the ball and i wish i can play football better than CR7 and Wayne Rooney. oh how much i like this guys.

the best in the world--> Lionel Messi, but i'd changed my mind.... i think the legends, arjen robben and franck ribery deserved it.
for now it is Messi...
do i look i care enough?? enough to say, i was very disappointed that Messi did not play when FCBarcelona's Asia Tour in Malaysia. i really want to see him to play in that field...

football really make me emotional, i can't control myself sometimes. what happen to manchester united now, is the beginning of the new manager. and i keep reminding myself, just give more times to David Moyes. there is nobody perfect. needs more times, just give the boss more times.

what else huh?? one phenomenon just had happened to my state a few days ago. Ngap Sayot phenomenon. what is it?? it's my state football trademark.some people(s) say sarawak it not good enough in football.. who says that?? we Ngap Sayot are good but when the team fail make it to final Piala Malaysia, we never gives up, but it is worth to show to all malaysians we manage to go to semi-final. i remembered, kuching is mourning the next days... seems all sarawakians are not happy. i know how does it feel, but life must go on. it's okay we lose, but the spirit always, always Ngap Sayot spirit... bujang senang heh!!

i actually i hate to say this, ''what are you doing before sarawak fa became premier league champion?did you support the team before?''. i don't think you are supporting the club, until, one day they win the championship. however, it's none of my business. it's like phenomenon when suddenly there are t-shirt, mafla, flag, banners and stickers are everywhere. but i respect the spirit, the sarawakians. me, too proud for my state football club.

huh, girls out there, i know you love the players, not the game...
i am different, i love everything about football. i try to be part of the football itself. i'm working on it now~

Sunday 1 September 2013

kamek sayang kelab kamek... Manchester United

era ferguson pia jak berakhir... sedih hati kamek, macam baru marek nya jadi manager. kamek tok yang baru-baru minat bola sebab before tok kamek main ngan buku jak.. kamek sik tauk pun apa ya bola.. semadi ada kawan-kawan laki k kaka pasal bola.. tapi kecik-kecik dolok nang minat MU la..

sik puas ngga bola, sik puas jwak ngga sir alex manage MU.. kinek competition tough, dengan manager barunya yang macam baru-baru nak berjinak ngan dak2 MU tok.. kamek nebes nak mampus... tapi kamek padah ngan dirik kamek, boh gago banyak gilak ngn bola ea...

kamek belajar dari pengalaman lepas. terlalu gago ngan MU nak, performance akademik kamek sik sebagus yang kamek jangkakan.. meroyan kamek.. malam-malam sik pat tido.. las-las dapat jwak MU ea title ke 20. tapi season baru tok kamek gik rasa ragu-ragu.. sik konfiden ni pun... kamek sik tauk mok padah apa....

udah tok kamek layan manchester united jak.. ilek-ilek jak kamek ngga bol. sik mok gadoh-gadoh. mun ngan mbiak laki kamek kaka bola jak memanjang... ngn mbiak mpuan, kawan-kawan mpuan, kaka pasal macam-macam lah. kamek perasan kamek pernah sakitkan hati kawan-kawan lelaki kamek..

dah tok kamek mok profesional sikit pasal perasaan ngga bol tok. mestinya kamek mok gadoh ngan orang. esok mesti sikda mood. nang selalu nya cam ya... menki ehh...
geram kamek kohhh... kamek cuba yang terbaik, sebab kamek sayang Manchester United sampei kamek sikda.. bila team kita susah kali mok kalah, fans nya susah jwak terima kenyataan team nya kalah... kedak MU.. semua sik suka MU... tauk lah MU ea camne... kamek bangga jadi fan nya!

i am that girl....

a girl who love to watch football....
a girl that not shame to admit she didn't know how to play football yet she loves football...

with her dream, with her team, she dare to dream, she dare to try whatever risks to be at the Old Trafford one day...

she learn to make friend with boys and girls, she learn to know the haters.... haters??? she never knew how does it feel when someone hates you so much.... LOL, not all peoples are MU fans, some people hates MU, and MU fans.. here, she feel the HATE... but it doesn't matter.... she LOVES MU...

she want to tell the whole world she is MU fan... forever until her last breath her life is for Manchester United...

one day Old Trafford, one day..... i am not regret every single things happen to me all this while, being your fan, forever Manchester United...


Wednesday 19 June 2013

he has his eyes on me....

i don't see it....
but you're standing there right in front of my eyes...
and i don't dare to look at you..
i just to weak to fall in love again and again every time we met each other...
let you know, i am afraid...
a shyness that exist between us is a very good shield to avoid us fall into sins..
sins is what i scare of...
a sin in you and my religious view..
i will not let you to fall into sins because of me...
and i rather stay away from you forever...
we'll stay together if it is our destiny...
if not you must let go the feeling...