This is the part of me....

Welcome to my blog.... This is where I share to you of what I think, what I feel, what I dream and what I want you to know about me....

Thursday 18 October 2012

This life is sucks!!!

problem everywhere?????

find solution, not run from it...

my life is not change that much this is because i was a Pre-U student...

only the way we study and schedule which makes so different with my previous life

i am glad to be in Unimas for the next 4 years, before this i was 'own' by Unimas for about less than 1 year...

to study at oversea.. errmmm... i plan maybe it is for master degree...

i'll choose UK, of course... so that easy for me to go to TOP 5 English Club stadium, and for sure one day i will go to Old Trafford.

one thing that bother me, people keep talking/asking/begging/ bla bla bla about LOVE...

to be honest, it is hard for me to fall in love and i am too choosy...

but i have crush on someone, but never last long, and how can it be to be fall in love???

my friend told me this words "when you fall in love, you are not in the real world, that sweet love song play in your mind every single minute, the wind blows you so hard but if feels so soft"

ooo i never had that feeling.. 100% not ready to fall in love.... i care most about family friends and my own future, i'll decide ---> just let God decide....

i am looking forward person.... i don't want to be left behind, so education is my priority right now.

i do have a lot of girlfriends and boyfriends. they are all nice and kind-hearted people, i love them (i wish they love me too...)

but, some guys you never know what is their intention became our friends, so don't judge a book by its cover...

actually i'd love if the guy like football as long as we are in the same team MU & FCB. i've met one, but ooo OMG, got no feelings meh... i dunno whether we are friend or just an alien who lives among the humans on the earth..

we've met many times but never talked to each other... that's all... okay bye... or, maybe we are too SHY.... whatever... it is okay la, i don't mind but i still owe his voices... hahaha.... okay, to be honest, i've heard his voice before but i forgot... so funny when it comes to boys..

i love boys because they are naughty and bad...but right now, i only love my grandpa, my father and my little brother....

i've told you life is suckssss!!! but still you don't want to die, because you still have something else to do before your last breath.... am i correct???


  1. bla bla bla bla bla... rjin sungguh meng"update" blog? bguih2... :P

  2. banyak sangat la bnda main lam palak.... cne kau mok lepaskan... ctok jak... hahaha... ku da jwak g blog kau... ka tok ku update ag la...
